Broad-scale alterations of historical fire regimes and vegetation
dynamics have occurred in many landscapes in the U.S. through the
combined influence of land management practices, fire exclusion,
ungulate herbivory, insect and disease outbreaks, climate change, and
invasion of non-native plant species. LANDFIRE produces maps of
historical fire regimes and vegetation conditions using the disturbance
dynamics model VDDT. These maps support fire and landscape management
planning outlined in the goals of the National Fire Plan, Federal
Wildland Fire Management Policy, and the Healthy Forests Restoration
Succession Classes categorize current vegetation
composition and structure into up to five successional states defined
for each LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings (BpS) Model. An additional
category defines uncharacteristic vegetation components that are not
found within the compositional or structural variability of successional
states defined for each BpS model, such as exotic species. These
succession classes are similar in concept to those defined in the
Interagency Fire Regime Condition Class Guidebook ( This
layer is created by linking the BpS layer with the Succession Classes
rulesets. This geospatial product should display a reasonable
approximation of Succession Classes, documented in the LANDFIRE
Vegetation Dynamics Models . The current successional classes and their
historical reference conditions are compared to assess departure of
vegetation characteristics; this departure can be quantified using
methods such as Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC).
Five successional
classes, "A" (1) - "E" (5) define successional states represented within
a given BpS model. 'UN' (6) represents uncharacteristic native
vegetation for the BpS model on which these vegetation conditions are
found. These are taken to represent vegetation cover, height, or
composition that would not have been expected to occur on the BpS during
the reference condition period. 'UE' (7) represents uncharacteristic
exotic vegetation for the BpS model on which these vegetation conditions
are found. Additional data layer values were included to represent
Water (111), Snow / Ice (112), Barren (131), and Sparsely Vegetated
(132). Non-burnable Urban (120), Burnable Urban (121), Non-burnable
Agriculture (180), and Burnable Agriculture (181) are provided to mask
out such areas from analysis of vegetation departure.
To use this layer
for assessing vegetation departure from historical reference conditions,
it is necessary to combine this layer with LANDFIRE BpS and LANDFIRE
map zone data layers. The subsequent combination of map zone, Bps, and
Succession Class can then be found within LANDFIRE Historical Reference
Condition tables. Caution is warranted in assessing vegetation departure
across map zone boundaries, as the classification schemes used to
produce BpS and Succession Classes may vary slightly between adjacent
map zones. Furthermore, reference conditions are simulated independently
for each map zone, resulting in potentially unique measurements of
reference conditions for a given BpS between adjacent map zones.