Managed Land in Inyo County

Feb 2, 2016
Inyo County APN data: Updated 31 August 2015; Federal and State Surface Estate data: Updated 30 September 2015

 Los Angeles Department of Water and Power: The LADWP-owned land in the OVSES consists of land acquired in the early part of the 20th century to provide water to the Los Angeles Aqueduct, and rights-of-way for the Los Angeles Aqueduct and electrical transmission lines. LADWP owns 48.32 percent of the land in the OVSES, and manages State-owned lands in Owens Lake for dust control. Most of LADWP-owned land in the OVSES is open to the public for recreational uses and/or leased for grazing (LADWP 2013).

Federal: The Federal government manages 34.38 percent of the land in the OVSES through the BLM (33.53 percent), the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA; 0.4 percent), the USFS (0.27 percent), and the NPS (0.17 percent). BIA-administered lands in the OVSES consist of Tribal reservations/lands belonging to the Bishop Paiute Tribe, Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley, Fort Independence Community of Paiute, and the Lone Pine Paiute Shoshone Reservation. NPS-administered lands in the OVSES consist of Manzanar National Historic Site.

State of California: The State of California manages and/or has jurisdiction over public lands that total approximately 14.43 percent of land within the OVSES. These lands include the CA State Lands Commission (SLC) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) as well as the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

Private and other Local Jurisdictions: Other land managed under local jurisdictions includes the County of Inyo and the City of Bishop. Land under jurisdiction of Inyo County includes County-owned and private lands. This land accounts for 2.87 percent of total land within the OVSES.
Data Provided By:
HELIX Environmental Planning, Inc., Inyo County, California State Office, BLM
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Inyo County Planning Department
with County of Inyo

The Planning Department is charged with the orderly growth and development of the County while maintaining its quality of life and natural environment. We serve as staff to the Inyo County Planning Commission; administer the County's Zoning, Subdivision, Environmental Review, and Surface Mining...