Global Flood Mortality Risks and Distribution is a 2.5 by 2.5
minute grid of global flood mortality risks. Gridded Population of
the World (GPW) Version 3.0 (beta) data provided a baseline
population per grid cell from which to estimate potential mortality
risks due to flood hazard. Mortality loss estimates per flood event
are calculated using regional, hazard-specific mortality records of
the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) that span the 20 years between
1981 and 2000. Data regarding the frequency and distribution of flood
hazard are obtained from the Global Flood Hazard Frequency and
Distribution dataset. In order to more accurately reflect the
confidence associated with the data and the procedures, the potential
mortality estimate range is classified into deciles, 10 classes of
increasing hazard with an approximately equal number of grid cells
per class, producing a relative estimate of flood-based mortality
risks. The dataset is a result of the collaboration among the Center
for Hazards and Risk Research (CHRR), International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, and the Columbia
University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).