Desert Kit Fox - Species Distribution Model, DRECP

May 6, 2013 (Last modified Dec 3, 2013)
These data are updated expert model outputs for desert kit fox (Vulpes macrotis arsipus) species distribution for DRECP, provided by Dudek. 

For desert kit fox, Dudek provided Penrod's 2012 habitat suitability model used in the California Desert Linkage Network project, created by SC Wildlands (Penrod et al. 2012). 

This layer was created by weighting three different factors--vegetation, topography, and road density--to determine a continuous range of habitat suitability throughout the fox's range. The threshold value of greater than 6.5 was considered habitat. Less than 6.5 was considered unsuitable for kit foxes and included areas of high road density, slopes greater than 15%, or unsuitable vegetation types such as desert volcanic rocklands, desert bedrock cliff and outcrop, or cultivated cropland.

The kit fox model output provided by Dudek was rasterized by CBI at 270m resolution and generalized using majority filter and boundary clean techniques; areas smaller than 10 pixels were removed from the final product.
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Content date:
not specified
Penrod, K., P. Beier, E. Garding, and C. Cabanero. 2012. A Linkage Network for the California Deserts. Produced for the Bureau of Land Management and the Wildlands Conservancy. Fair Oaks, California and Flagstaff, Arizona: Science and Collaboration for Connected Wildlands and Northern Arizona University.
Spatial Resolution:
270 m
Contact Organization:
Bureau of Land Management and the Wildlands Conservancy. Fair Oaks, California and Flagstaff, Arizona: Science and Collaboration for Connected Wildlands and Northern Arizona University.
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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