Fresno County Parcels, 2020

Mar 30, 2020 (Last modified Mar 4, 2021)

Parcel boundaries for Fresno County, California.

The county webpage is the authoritative source for this dataset.

Data Provided By:
Fresno County with post-processing performed by Conservation Biology Institute
Content date:
Contact Organization:
County of Fresno
Conservation Biology Institute
Contact Person(s):
Use Constraints:
“Please read and accept Disclaimer The County of Fresno provides this website as a public service. You may only use it if you agree to these terms: (1) You may not use this website or the information on it for official or illegal purposes. You may not copy or distribute any information that you get from this website. (2) The information on this website is provided “as is.” It might not be accurate or correct. It might not always be accessible. It might not be marketable, or useful for any other purpose. The County may change it at any time and without notice. The County makes no warranties about this website or the information on it. (3) You assume all risk of any loss or injury resulting from your reliance on the information on this website. The County is not liable for any loss or injury to you that results from your reliance on, use of, or inability to use, this website or the information on it. The County is not liable even if it knows about the possibility that you might suffer loss or injury. By downloading GIS Shapefiles, CUSTOMER agrees to the terms and conditions stated above. Zipped ESRI Shapefiles, requires an ESRI Compatible Shapefile Viewer”
Layer Type:
Currently Visible Layer:
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Spatial Resolution:
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
Click here to see the full FGDC XML file that was created in Data Basin for this layer.
Original Metadata XML
Click here to see the full XML file that was originally uploaded with this layer.
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Dataset Type:
Layer Package
Downloaded by 1 Member
Bookmarked by 2 Members , 1 Group
Included in 3 Public Maps , 9 Private Maps
Included in 1 Public Gallery

About the Uploader

Conservation Biology Institute

We provide advanced conservation science, technology, and planning to empower our partners in solving the world’s critical ecological challenges