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Canals, Drains, and Reservoirs in Imperial Irrigation District (IID) in Imperial Valley, California, provided in shapefile format by IID ("IID_CANALS.shp", "IID_DRAINS.shp", and "Reservoirs.shp") in September 2014. According to IID staff, all IID drains are earthen. IID canals can be concrete or earthen (indicated by symbols in the map).
Data Provided By:
Imperial Irrigation District (IID), Audubon California
Content date:
June 2005, Summer, 2005, The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground. REQUIRED.
Canals, Drains, and Reservoirs in Imperial Irrigation District (IID). Imperial Irrigation District. 2014.
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