Western brook lamprey (Lampetra richardsoni) status data created for the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society (WDAFS)
Gunckel, S.L., Jones, K.K. and Jacobs, S.E., 2009. pp. 173-189 in Brown, L.R., S. Chase, M. Mesa, R. Beamish, and P. Moyle, editors. Spawning distribution and habitat use of adult Pacific and western brook lampreys in Smith River, Oregon. In American Fisheries Society Symposium 72.
Vladykov, V.D. and Follett, W.I., 1965. Lampetra richardsoni, a new nonparasitic species of lamprey (Petromyzonidae) from western North America. Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada 22: 139-158.
Boguski, D.A., Reid, S.B., Goodman, D.H. and Docker, M.F., 2012. Genetic diversity, endemism and phylogeny of lampreys within the genus Lampetra sensu stricto (Petromyzontiformes: Petromyzontidae) in western North America. Journal of Fish Biology 81: 1891-1914.
Luzier, C.W., Docker, M.F. and Whitesel, T.A., 2010. Characterization of ten microsatellite loci for western brook lamprey Lampetra richardsoni. Conservation Genetics Resources 2: 71-74.