The California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources publishes a GIS feature class of well locations and its associated records across the state for use by the public. Data provided are projected in Teal Albers California North American Datum of 1983 for shapefiles and WGS84 Web Mercator projection for web feature service. Well Attributes include API Number, Operator Well Number, Well Status, Well Type, Operator Code, Operator Name, Lease Name, Field Name, Area Name, District, County, Section, Township, Range, Base Meridian, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Total Depth, Redrill Footage, Redrill Cancel Flag, Location Description, Comments, GIS Source, Dry Hole, Confidential Well, Directionally Drilled, Hydraulically Fractured, BLM Well, EPA Well, Spud Date, Completion Date, Abandoned Date.Well location values were collected using a submeter-accurate gps receiver (i.e., Trimble GeoXT). Some of the data provided herein are also displayed in the Division's WellFinder application (