Conchos pupfish (Cyprinodon eximius) status data created for the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society (WDAFS)
Echelle, A.A. and Echelle, A.F., 1998. Evolutionary relationships of pupfishes in the Cyprinodon eximius complex (Atherinomorpha: Cyprinodontiformes). Copeia 1998: 852-865.
Hubbs, C. and Garrett, G.P., 1990. Reestablishment of Cyprinodon eximius (Cyprinodontidae) and status of Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae) in the vicinity of Dolan Creek, Val Verde Co., Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist 35: 446-448.
Miller, R.R., 1976. Four new pupfishes of the genus Cyprinodon from Mexico, with a key to the C. eximius complex. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 75: 68-75.
Davis, J.R., 1980. Rediscovery, distribution, and populational status of Cyprinodon eximius (Cyprinodontidae) in Devil's River, Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist 1980: 81-88.
Garrett, G.P., Hubbs, C. and Edwards, R.J., 2005. Threatened fishes of the world: Cyprinodon eximius Girard 1859. Environmental Biology of Fishes 72: 98.