Formed in 2007, the Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Group (WWHCWG) is an open collaborative science-based effort to produce tools and analyses that identify opportunities and priorities to provide habitat connectivity in Washington and surrounding habitats ( The WWHCWG began with a Statewide Habitat Connectivity Analysis, which highlighted several regions of the state that would benefit from finer-scale analyses. The group has since conducted analyses across many of those regions. One of the remaining regions was Washington’s Cascades to Coast region. The goal of this project was to identify habitat corridors and wildlife crossing priorities using 5 focal species that are representative of the region’s varied ecosystems. Those species are the American beaver (
Castor canadensis), cougar (
Puma concolor), fisher (
Pekania pennanti), mountain beaver (
Aplodontia rufa), and western gray squirrel (
Sciurus griseus). The connectedness of protected areas was also modeled to evaluate the integrity of the landscape.
GIS data files resulting from this project include for the 5 species and for the protected areas: (1) habitat maps that depict habitat suitability, (2) models of species-specific resistance to barriers across the landscape, (3) maps of core habitat depicting areas with high concentrations of suitable habitat, (4) maps of cost-weighted distance that depict the permeability of the landscape for movement between core habitat areas, and (5) maps of least-cost paths and least-cost corridors that depict the routes where movement is expected to occur. The GIS data files also include a map of the combined results depicting priority crossing areas along major highways.
This gallery includes the technical report that documents the Cascades to Coast Analysis. It also includes sub-galleries for the 5 focal species, landscape integrity, and for the synthesis analysis of the combined results. Each sub-gallery contains associated GIS data layers available for download, as well as maps for visualizing the layers.
For additional download options, see the
Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis webpage on ScienceBase. The data layers are available for download in multiple file formats that include: (1) an ArcGIS Pro file geodatabase, (2) ArcGIS Pro layer files (.lyrx), (3) ArcGIS Pro layer packages (.lpkx), and (4) shapefiles and TIFFs. Metadata files for each data layer are provided in html and xml formats.
The report and companion files are also available online at