Dominick A. DellaSala (Wild Heritage) was project manager overseeing all phases of
this project, including conceptualization, methods, analysis, and writing. Kaia Africanis (Wild Heritage) organized the workshop, data compilation and uploads, manuscript upload, and
writing. Bryant Baker (Wildland Mapping Institute) conducted all GIS analyses and associated writing. Marni Koopman (Independent Consultant) conducted the
climate change analysis and associated writing. We also thank the following workshop participants for providing valuable insight into the GIS mapping: Sam Hitt (Wild Watershed), Allison Gallensky (Rocky Mountain Wild), Sarah Hyden (The Forest Advocate), Michelle Lute (The Rewilding Institute, Wildlife for All), Brian Nowicki (Center for Biological Diversity), Mark Pearson (San Juan Citizen Alliance), Adam Rissien (WildEarth Guardians), Joey Smallwood, Anna Lee Vargas (San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council)