Dominick DeLaSalla (Wild Heritage) contributed to the design and writing of the ECA. Andrea Kuchy (Wild Heritage) contributed to the
writing and organizing of the online workshop. Marni Koopman (Independent Consultant) contributed to the climate projections. Kurt Menke (Septima) contributed to the GIS analysis. We also thank the following workshop participants for providing valuable insight into the GIS mapping and study area boundary: Madeleine Carey (WildEarth Guardians), Sam Hitt (Wild Watershed), Sarah Hyden (The Forest Advocate), Michelle Lute (The Rewilding Institute, Wildlife for All), Dyan Oldenburg (Independent consultant), David Parsons (Rewilding Institute / Project Coyote), Erica Prather (WildEarth Guardians), Adam Rissien (WildEarth Guardians), Cyndi Tuell (Western Watersheds Project).