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The goal of the M2B project is to tap into recent advances in habitat mapping, threat assessment, and climate change projections to co-produce a scientifically sound multi-county habitat connectivity roadmap for the region spanning from the Mayacamas Mountains to the Berryessa Range in concert with local land managers.
This project builds a place-based decision support platform for prioritizing and implementing habitat connectivity projects on the ground across multiple jurisdictions. The products are a science-based prioritization of critical habitat pinch-points co-created with local land managers that identifies threatened linkages in high value habitat corridors. Specific products include a region-wide prioritization of threatened linkages complemented by linkage-specific portfolio reports that evaluate site-specific benefits in terms of climate adaptation, plant and animal species conservation, and watershed integrity.
The Mayacamas to Berryessa (M2B) Connectivity Network is a project funded by the California Landscape Conservation Partnership to Pepperwood Foundation. Key contributors include Morgan Gray, Adina Merenlender, Lisa Micheli, Tosha Comendant and the M2B steering committee.
Pepperwood's Foundation produces cutting edge research and provides comprehensive education for all ages. The 3,200 acre preserve is based in Sonoma, County, California. More at: