NFWF: Delaware Bay Watershed

Mar 9, 2017 (Last modified Oct 25, 2017)
Created by Jianyu Wu
NFWF: Delaware Bay Watershed


Watersheds in the Delaware Bay area are part of a national project to map "resilience hubs" and identify restoration projects that will increase both the resilience of human communities and fish and wildlife habitat to the effects of coastal and inland storms.

Join this group to get involved with the Delaware Bay Watershed (DE/NJ/PA) resilience assessment. This site is a place to collect data and share information for this project.

Check out the fact sheet for more details about this project.

We're gathering data and input about the following information to make this assessment relevant and accurate for Delaware Bay watershed:
  1. Key fish and wildlife species and other natural features for the Delaware Bay area that are vulnerable to coastal threats such as flooding, inundation, and storm surge.
  2. Local GIS data sources for features that spatially represent the key fish and wildlife habitat mentioned above as well as any threats data available for the project footprint.
  3. Locations for restoration or conservation projects that will increase resilience to coastal and inland storms for both human communities and wildlife. Projects could be at the identification, planning, or implementation stage.
Why should you participate?
  • Provide input, information, and data while gaining greater understanding of vulnerability in the watershed.
  • Provide information on needed resilience project(s) in the watershed.
  • Receive an ArcGIS desktop coastal resiliency decision support tool and initial training.
How to get involved?
  1. Sign up for a South Atlantic Conservation Planning Atlas account.
  2. After signing up, join the Delaware Bay Watershed Group.
  3. Participate in the introductory webinar.
  4. Attend a half-day workshop (Information below).
  5. Provide spatial data and information on relevant resilience projects.
Attend one of the two upcoming Watershed Stakeholder Workshops:
(The two workshops are identical; you only need to attend one.)

  • November 15, 2017 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm at Bayshore Center at Bivalve, 2800 High St, Port Norris, NJ 08349
  • November 16, 2017 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at St Jones Reserve, 818 Kitts Hummock Road, Dover, DE 19901

Please join and Submit Data on this site.

Group Members (9)