This conservation assessment and outreach project was conceived to help face challenges in the future management of the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area (M-KMA).
Roughly the size of Ireland, the M-KMA was created in 1998 to implement the latest thinking in land use management:accomodating resource development while also protecting a large, intact and predominantly roadless wilderness. Fifteen years later, the M-K is still the wildest area in the Rocky Mountains.
The assessment contains a variety of tools to assess the existing network of conservation lands, strengthen conservation measures in light of climate change, plan and evaluate land and resource use proposals within this shifting environment, and gain further public and community understanding of and appreciation for the biodiversity values of the M-KMA.
The study, commissioned by the Muskwa-Kechika Advisory Board and completed by the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative in collaboration with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society-B.C. Chapter and Gregory Kehm Associates, is meant to advise the Muskwa-Kechika Advisory Board, which in turn may make recommendations to the B.C. government on proposed actions. Other land managers and levels of government, such as First nations and communities, who may be developing land use plans, as well as resource and tourism businesses, may also find its conclusions relevant.
Y2Y is grateful to the M-KMA Advisory Board and the Wilburforce Foundation for financial support to this project.