Climate Change Vulnerability - Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest

Oct 3, 2018
Created by Regan Smyth
Open Map
This map displays results of a habitat climate change vulnerability assessment conducted for the Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest ecological system, with results shown in the context of NPS National Capital Region Parks.

For this ecological system, the map contains layers for climate change exposure (change in suitability and typicality), and the habitat climate change vulnerability index (HCCVI) for two time periods: Observed (1980-2014), shown to the left of the slider, and Near Future (through 2040), shown to the right.

The HCCVI results have been clipped to the current distribution on the ecological system and display the final integrated index. Use the identify tool to report out the vulnerability component scores (e.g. for connectivity, landscape condition, or rolled up resilience). To learn more about the HCCVI, please view this recorded webinar:
NatureServe 2018
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

About the Map Author

Regan Smyth
Landscape Ecologist with NatureServe

Regan Smyth is Director of Spatial Analysis at NatureServe. Regan’s expertise lies in applying spatial analysis tools to address diverse resource management needs and communicating outcomes to scientific and non-scientific audiences via data visualization and mapping. Regan is heavily involved in...