Land Cover & Carbon Inventory

May 11, 2021
Created by Carbon Counters
Open Map
This map shows land cover classifications, carbon stocks, and nitrous oxide emissions for Santa Barbara County in 2016. This map includes five data layers prepared by the Bren Carbon Counters; more details about each layer can be found by clicking on each dataset below.
Data layers prepared by Bren Carbon Counters (Alicia Fennell, Gavriella Keyles, Madeline Oliver, Minerva Ringland, and Michael Wells)
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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About the Map Author

Carbon Counters
Student with Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

We are a group of five master's graduates at the Bren School at UC Santa Barbara. Our master's group project was evaluating the climate mitigation potential of natural & working lands in Santa Barbara County, conducted in partnership with the County's Sustainability Division.