Nature's Network & BioMap (Mass.)

Mar 28, 2018 (Last modified Aug 1, 2023)
Created by Northeast
Open Map
Major components of Nature's Network and BioMap loaded into 1 map. Information from the BioMap project: "Core Habitat...consists of 1,242,000 acres deemed critical for the long-term persistence of rare species and other Species of Conservation Concern, as well as a wide variety of natural communities and intact ecosystems across the Commonwealth. Critical Natural Landscape...consists of 1,783,000 acres complementing Core Habitat, including large natural Landscape Blocks that provide habitat for wide-ranging native wildlife species, support intact ecological processes, maintain connectivity among habitats, and enhance ecological resilience; and buffer uplands around coastal, wetland and aquatic Core Habitats to help ensure their long-term integrity."
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About the Map Author

with Science Applications, Northeast

Administration account for the Northeast Conservation Planning Atlas.