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The name of this study area is “Study Site 3” because that's all I could come up with. Midland school only uses this section for one thing really, and that is a couple of horse pastures within the area, one of which contains a swing. It also includes quite a large stretch of Res Road that Midland uses to get out onto the property. This area contains mostly heavy water reliant plants because most of it is in the creek bed. This means it has plants like Mulefat and Mugwort that thrive near water and can grow back from floods very easily along with other plants like them. The area has some very notable landmarks known to all midlanders like Green Gate, the trail head that starts across Figueroa mountain road, and a large stretch of Res Road, which midland uses to get out on the property. It also includes points like the aforementioned swing in the horse pasture that is enjoyed by many, and one of the many gaits on Res Road. It also includes many horse pastures. Some of the plants that can be found here are aforementioned water plants like mugwort and mulefat, as well as trees like sycamore that can grow mistletoe. This area, like almost all of midlands property contains both live and dead oak trees that can grow to huge sizes. This area is on the Paso Robles formation and it has the plant groups include Valley Foothill Riparian and Coastal Oak Woodland.