Mohave fringe-toed lizard - Species Distribution Model Map, DRECP

Jan 25, 2013 (Last modified Dec 18, 2013)
Open Map
These data are species distribution model outputs for the Mojave fringe-toed lizard (Uma scoparia) for the DRECP.

Frank Davis’ Biogeography Lab at UC Santa Barbara used Maxent to produce a continuous probability surface and a binary layer showing suitable habitat, derived using the equal training sensitivity and specificity threshold. 

Based on consultation with biologists and occurrence data, the Conservation Biology Institute modified the UCSB binary model to include sand/dune complexes with known MFTL populations. Playas (based on the National Hydrography Dataset) were excluded from suitable habitat, and suitable sand features were selected from the DRECP Sand and Dune Systems dataset and National Hydrography Dataset washes. Developed, disturbed and agricultural lands were excluded from suitable habitat, using the Land Cover/Natural Vegetation Communities dataset produced by Dr. Todd Keeler-Wolf, CDFW. Since this land cover dataset does not extend beyond the DRECP boundary, the modified binary representation of Mojave fringe-toed lizard habitat is constrained to the DRECP boundary, while the continuous surface extends beyond the boundary.

For Uma scoparia, Max Sensitivity + Specificity threshold = 0.1479; best AUC = 0.9915; mean AUC = 0.9818.

Disclaimer: Species occurrence data shown on map are not a 100% complete representation of all locations of a given species.
Conservation Biology Institute
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Conservation Biology Institute

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