Drought sensitive soils in the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative - north, USA

Mar 13, 2013
Open Map
This dataset depicts sensitive soils within the ecoregion, based on soil survey data.

Sensitive soils are composed of several classes:
1) Droughty soils (available water capacity less than 0.10)
2) High risk of wind erodibility (wind erodibility groups 1 and 2)
3) Hydric soils
4) Saline soils (sodium absorption ratio greater than 13)
5) Calcic soils (CaCO3 greater than 16%)
6) Gypsiferous soils (gypsum greater than 15%)
7) Shallow soils (depth to bedrock less than 15 inches)
8) Acidic soils (pH less than 5.5)
9)High risk of water erodibility (combination of kw (water erodibility factor) and slope)
10)alkaline soils (pH greater than 8)
Wendy Peterman, Conservation Biology Institute
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Conservation Biology Institute

We provide advanced conservation science, technology, and planning to empower our partners in solving the world’s critical ecological challenges