This is my SBC atlas map of the region I was assigned to. This area is used by Midland School as a pasture in the lower elevations. The region is also contains the Reservoir Road, Pump House Loop, a section of the Alamo Pintado Creek, Horse Thief Canyon, and the elusive Sophomore Cave. There are also many water pumps and troughs in this area. The plant communities found in this area are Oak Savannah, Coastal Sage Scrub, Riparian, and Oak Woodland. The two main geological formations are the Paso Robles Formation and Alluvial Formation. The data set that I chose to show was Hillshade. Hillshade, in the way that I am using it, is basically a measure of how much sunlight an area gets year round. Darker areas are shaded and lighter areas are sunnier. The amount of sunlight an area receives drastically effects the flora of that area. You will notice that the shadier sides of hills are full of Blue Oak Woodland while the sunny sides are full of Coastal Sage Scrub. I also found the Jack O'Lantern mushrooms in a shadier area.