Burn Probability for Fireline Intensity Class 6, predicted for 2020-2040, 2050-2070, 2080 to 2100 for Rio Grande study area

May 8, 2015 (Last modified Jun 13, 2015)
Created by SRLCC CPA Admin
Open Map
Burn probability (BP) for Fireline Intensity Class 1 (FIL1) with flame lengths in the range of 0-0.6 m predicted for the 2020-2040, 2050-2070, 2080-2100 periods in the Rio Grande area. This raster dataset was generated using: 1) data developed from the 2014 Fire Program Analysis (FPA) system; 2) geospatial Fire Simulation (FSim) system developed by the US Forest Service Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory to estimate probabilistic components of wildfire risk (Finney et al. 2011); and 3) climate predictions developed using the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA) method (Abatzoglou and Brown 2011) which downscaled model output from the GFDL-ESM-2m global climate model of the Coupled Model Inter-Comparison Project 5 for the 8.5 Representative Concentration Pathway.
Megan Friggens
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