Scenic Highways

Dec 22, 2015 (Last modified Dec 29, 2015)
Open Map
The California Scenic Highway Program was created in 1963 by legislature to “protect and enhance the natural scenic beauty of California highways and adjacent corridors through special conservation treatment,” and includes state routes identified as scenic by Caltrans. The “eligible” designation applies to a specific segment of the designated highway, and depends on several factors, including the breadth of the landscape that is visible by travelers, the scenic quality of the landscape, and the extent to which development intrudes upon a traveler’s enjoyment of the view. Formal designation requires action by the local land use agency (here Inyo County). The designation provides benefits to scenic resources along the highway, some of which include protection from incompatible uses, mitigation of activities within the designated corridor that detract from the highway’s scenic quality, and preservation of hillsides.
Within the OVSES area, a 20-mile segment of US 395 between Fort Independence and Fish Springs Road, and a 16-mile segment of SR 168 west of Bishop from Camp Sabrina to Brockman Lane are designated state scenic highways. All segments of US 395 beyond the above-noted segment, SR 190 from US 395 to Death Valley National Park, and SR 168 from US 395 to the Mono County line, are all identified as eligible (although not designated) scenic highways by Caltrans.
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About the Map Author

Inyo County Planning Department
with County of Inyo

The Planning Department is charged with the orderly growth and development of the County while maintaining its quality of life and natural environment. We serve as staff to the Inyo County Planning Commission; administer the County's Zoning, Subdivision, Environmental Review, and Surface Mining...