GCPO LCC Quick Start Map

Mar 4, 2013 (Last modified Aug 31, 2016)
Created by CPA Administrator
Open Map
This map serves as the quick start map for the GCPO LCC portal.  The National Land Cover Database is used as the base layer.  The Geographic Constructs used in the GCPO LCC are included on top with a 40% transparency.
Alexis Londo and Blair Tirpak
Use Constraints
Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
This map is visible to everyone
Bookmarked by 3 Members
Included in 9 Public Galleries
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About the Map Author

CPA Administrator
Geomatics Coordinator with GCPO LCC

This is the account from which the content of the GCPO LCC portal is controlled. If you have questions, you may contact Kristine Evans at kristine@gri.msstate.edu