Erosion and Sediment Analysis in the Upper Green River Basin

Nov 12, 2015
Created by SRLCC CPA Admin
Open Map
Information on the sources of sediment production and amount is necessary to better understand the relationship between landscape-scale ecosystem drivers (fire, large-scale invasive species removal, recreation, oil and gas development, and grazing) and sediment loading in rivers, streams, and reservoirs. An improved understanding of the sources of sediment production and the contribution of each source to total sediment load would enable resource managers to better locate and design conservation strategies to reduce sediment loading, and improve water quality, native fish habitats, and upland vegetation cover.

This project will conduct an erosion and sediment supply analysis in a portion of the Upper Green River Basin in Wyoming, an area covering over 8 million acres. Predictions will include sediment production and sediment delivery to stream channels. Erosion and sediment supply will be evaluated at three spatial scales: local reach (the immediate reach receiving the sediment), downstream routed or aggregated, and at HUC 6 subbasins. Data developed from this analysis will be used in theĀ Green River Basin LCD project.
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

About the Map Author

Srlcc Cpa Admin with SRLCC

SRLCC CPA Admin Account