West Mojave - Areas of Lower Conflict (Final)

May 26, 2017 (Last modified Jan 27, 2018)
Open Map
Map showing the most recent areas identified of lower conflict within the Western Mojave study area totaling 200,135 acres (6.2%) out of the 3.2 million acre study area. Areas in darker orange have lower conservation attribute value and areas of lighter orange have higher conservation attribute value.

Areas of lower conflict were determined by extracting the following classes from the combination of conservation attribute value at a 270m resolution and terrestrial ecological intactness at a 1km resolution across the Western Mojave study area:
  • Low CA, Low Intactness
  • Low CA, Moderate Intactness
  • Moderate CA, Low Intactness
Areas removed from consideration as lower conflict land include:
  • All areas of urban land within the study region, including mines, rural residential development, and previous solar development (Borax Mine not excluded based on stakeholder recommendations)
  • All protected lands of Gap 1 or 2 status and USFWS Critical Habitat
  • All contiguous areas less than 100 acres in size
  • Special are of concern for Mohave ground squirrel near highway 395 (based on stakeholder recommendations)
Contact Dustin Pearce (dustin.pearce@consbio.org) if you have any questions on the information within this map.

Dustin Pearce
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Conservation Biology Institute

We provide advanced conservation science, technology, and planning to empower our partners in solving the world’s critical ecological challenges