This dataset includes a multi-layer layer file with two layers. One layer represents State level designation and the other represents Federal designation.
These are symbolized on the federal and state level.
We removed the Essential Fish Habitat_Seaward 700fm Contour from this dataset since it obscures other features in the dataset. This dataset can be found here:
The MPA Inventory is a comprehensive catalog that provides detailed information for existing marine protected areas in the United States. The inventory provides geospatial boundary information (in polygon format) and classification attributes that seek to define the conservation objectives, protection level, governance and related management criteria for all sites in the database. The comprehensive inventory of federal, state and territorial MPA sites provides governments and stakeholders with access to information to make better decisions about the current and future use of place-based conservation. The information also will be used to inform the development of the national system of marine protected areas as required by Executive Order 13158.
For more information on the MPAs, including descriptions of the protection types, see the attached PDF.
The MPA Inventory dataset clipped to the west coast can be found here:
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