Terrestrial Intactness - Conservation Value Combination (1km), DRECP

Oct 30, 2013 (Last modified Oct 2, 2014)
This dataset shows the combination of conservation value and terrestrial ecological intactness by 1km reporting unit for the DRECP area. Conservation value and terrestrial intactness estimates were generated by Conservation Biology Institute EEMS logic models. 

The three colors depict three different levels of terrestrial intactness (green = high; yellow = moderate; and purple = low).  Each color is presented in three different shades, which depict the relative level of conservation value based on the biological targets of the Plan (dark = high conservation value; medium = moderate conservation value; light = low conservation value).  Dark green areas (high intactness and high conservation value) represent good candidates for conservation while light purple areas (low intactness and low conservation value) represent good candidates for energy development.

Background Information:

Conservation value estimates reflect species prioritization based on the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan’s guidelines, such as selection of certain species for “covered” or “planning” status, as well as non-Plan information; thus, appropriate use of model results is constrained to DRECP planning purposes. (See input dataset description and documentation for more detail: http://databasin.org/datasets/7459c5fb283b4a9abf5f763f4c572138.) 
Terrestrial intactness quantifies the signature of human impact on the landscape. Ecological intactness is high in areas where development is low, vegetation quality is high, and fragmentation is low. (See input dataset description and documentation for more detail: http://databasin.org/datasets/958719f2359e40b99ca683d1a473ba8d.)
Data Provided By:
Conservation Biology Institute

Created using data produced by California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, US Geological Survey, Dudek, and CBI.
Content date:
not specified
Spatial Resolution:
1 km
Contact Organization:
not specified
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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Conservation Biology Institute

We provide advanced conservation science, technology, and planning to empower our partners in solving the world’s critical ecological challenges