Community Fire Planning Zone

Feb 24, 2011 (Last modified Mar 15, 2011)
Created by Bo Wilmer
Open Map
Recommended by Tosha Comendant
In The Wilderness Society’s report, Targeting the Community Fire Planning Zone:
Mapping Matters, landscape ecologist Bo Wilmer and forest ecologist Dr. Greg Aplet
find these definitions to be both immensely important and extremely elusive. Community
Fire Planning Zones (CFPZ) — areas in and around communities where federal,
state and local fire managers should focus their efforts to mitigate fire risk —
include tens of millions of acres, much of which is private land. In order to successfully
tackle such an immense planning challenge, protection strategies must be tightly
focused and well-informed. But because each state uses a different method to designate
communities at risk, no national-scale definition of the CFPZ exists today. The
coordination of local and national fire-safe activities suffers as a result.
The National Fire Plan has rightly placed its emphasis on the importance of reducing
wildfire risk within communities and on the public lands nearby. Before our
nation can protect the hundreds of western communities currently at risk, however,
we must first understand where they are.
Bo Wilmer
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About the Map Author

Bo Wilmer
Landscape Ecologist with The Wilderness Society

Bo Wilmer , Landscape Ecologist (Boise) , joined the staff of The Wilderness Society in 2001 as a Landscape Scientist and uses GIS and remote sensing technology to evaluate the composition, structure and function of ecosystems at the landscape scale. Currently, Mr. Wilmer is working on research...